Mango Documentation

Entity API


For each entity a REST API is generated that can be reached via the base URL http://{url}/remote/api/entity/country/{action} the available {action}s provide several way the access the entites in the system which are described in the following chapters.

Load by id

If you know the id of the entity you want to load, you can use {baseUrl}/byid/{entityId} followed by the entity id.

load by id example

$ curl

  "id": 1,
  "countryIsoCode2": "AF",
  "countryIsoCode3": "AFG",
  "countryRating": null,
  "countryName": "Afghanistan",

Load by natural key

If the entity has an natural key, this key can also be used to load the entity using {baseUrl}/bynaturalkey/{naturalKey} followed by the natural key.

load by natural key example

$ curl

  "id": 1,
  "countryIsoCode2": "AF",
  "countryIsoCode3": "AFG",
  "countryRating": null,
  "countryName": "Afghanistan",

Load by expression

To load more than one entity you can use a query to match the entities send as query parameter {baseUrl}/query?query={query} or as content of the HTTP request. The expression is based on the Spring Expression Language (SpEL).

load by query expression example

$ curl

      "id": 1,
      "countryIsoCode2": "AF",
      "countryIsoCode3": "AFG",
      "id": 6,
      "countryIsoCode2": "AS",
      "countryIsoCode3": "ASM",
      "id": 7,
      "countryIsoCode2": "VI",
      "countryIsoCode3": "VIR",
      "countryRating": null,
      "countryName": "Virgin Islands, U.s.",


The expression syntax is loosely based on Java/JavaScript (see SpEL documentation for more info). All attributes that are modeled in the entity model can be used, combined with a set of comparators and the usual || and && boolean operators as well as brackets ().

example expression

countryName == 'France' || (countryCode > 23 && countryName matches 'Ger%')

String comparators


countryName == 'abc'

begins with

countryName matches 'abc%'